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“An Exhilarating Level of Responsibility”: A Q&A With First-Year Associate Adam Greiner

“An Exhilarating Level of Responsibility”: A Q&A With First-Year Associate Adam Greiner

Adam Greiner, a recent graduate of the University of Texas School of Law, returns to Hicks Johnson after completing the firm’s 2021 summer associate program. He brings experience in mass tort litigation, product liability claims, and commercial disputes in the energy sector.

What made you decide to return to the firm?

It was honestly a no brainer. I had a fantastic experience last summer—I enjoyed the substance of my work, the topics I covered, the people I worked with—and was eager to start my legal career in earnest at Hicks Johnson. I believe this firm will provide ideal opportunities for me to better myself as a professional in the complex litigation space.

How have you found your first few weeks here?

I’m basically starting from where I left off last summer, so fortunately there hasn’t been an adjustment period or anything like that; I’ve gotten to just dive in. Within my first two weeks, I helped write something that just got filed this week, which was cool. That’s generally the tenor of what it’s like to work here. Right off the bat, I was entrusted with an exhilarating level of responsibility.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve worked on so far?

I’ve enjoyed resuming work on a product liability case I got put on last summer that concerns design defects and negligent design in the context of pesticides and herbicides. It’s exactly the kind of complex litigation I see myself doing in the future.

Have you set any goals for your time here?

Given the kind of responsibility that I’m currently being given, I don’t think any expectations I set for myself would stay applicable for long. I’m looking forward to reaching a higher level of general competency as soon as possible, which I know is also the partners’ goal and why they’re so intent on assigning me truly substantive work.